Carve a niche.

I am always up to take responsibilities and face the challanges.

Day by day, I am trying to fufill my zeal to learn something new. I love to contribute to the community & my organization, attend technical conferences & meetups, and collaborate with new minds. It makes me extremely happy when my learning turns into a Software.

I solve real life problems with the help of science and technology. I have built scalable applications with the best fit architecture and design patterns. I believe in the quality of code (number of bits & amount of time) rather than number of lines. I love to utilise my data structures and alogrithms knowledge to reduce the time and space complexity. Writing tests give me strength.
Over the years, I have wore many hats from full stack developer to deployment specialist and stepped up in multiple shoes from a Software Enginner to a Product Owner.

I graduated in the year 2018,from M.B.M. Engineering College Jodhpur(Rajasthan). Currently, I am working as Software Engineer at Nymo and located in Bangalore(India).